I don’t even read the summaries or reviews when Joel Leslie is narrating. I simply buy it because I know I’ll enjoy his performance. While I’m always satisfied, this combo with Alice Winters blew me away.

What I love most about this story is the dynamic between Felix and Lane. Felix hides his loneliness and insecurities behind his sarcasm while Lane snarks to keep people from pitying him and seeing how hard he’s struggling to exist in a world he can no longer see.

Felix meets Lane’s snark and initial hostility with borderline offensive jokes and pranks on the blind man. While that may sound cruel, Felix’s refusal to pity him makes it easier for Lane to accept the small things that Felix does to help him acclimate to his new life. It helps that Felix will just as quickly make fun of himself, finding humor in his own shortcomings rather than letting his pride shame him for them. Felix’s persistence to find ways to make light of the darkness surrounding Lane allows a glimpse of a future outside of the bleak nothingness Lane had resigned himself to while giving Felix the purpose he hadn’t known he’d needed.

Buy this! You’ll laugh through the entire book, even the scenes where the characters are in danger and running for their lives. Throw Joel Leslie into the mix and you have a masterfully entertaining story that will have you wanting more!