I am obsessed with everything that S.E. Smith writes. She has a very creative imagination that sucks you in. This book was released initial in Pet in Space 3, an anthology for charity. If you follow her on Facebook she clearly stated that this was part of that anthology and that she will be releasing this story as part of the Sarafin Warriors’ series as well.

I understand the frustration and the anger of some people who think that Ms. Smith duped them into buying this story twice but she stated on Facebook and in her newsletter that this story was going to be released in the anthology as well as part of the series it belongs to.

Now on to the review of this story, Walkyr is part of the royal family on Sarafin. We have met him briefly in the previous couple of books that deal with his brothers. He wants a nice quiet woman who allows him to go on missions and when he gets home food is on the table ready for him. Little does he know the Goddess is not going to let him has his way.

This book had a lot of different things that were going on within it. There was betrayal, greed, and denial. This book fit it with the Sarafin, Valdier, and the Curizan world. I did enjoy Trescina. She was a strong and independent woman who took no BS from anyone.

I also loved the interaction her and her cat had with one another. I love when we get a peak into the inner cat or the inner dragons in Smith’s book. I think they are very funny and I would love a book from their perspective.