Once again a very fast paced adventure, however after adjusting to the pace of the first book I burned through this one in under a day. We get a few new characters in this book some interesting some annoying, We get some more character development for Hector and the main secondary characters become much more fleshed out. Unfortunately the main character doesn’t come off as very bright though that seems to happen a lot in the genre so nothing can really be done about it, as a result it’s a very seat of your pants story from one event into the next without the typical time spent going over stats and skills and only really using them in the heat of the moment to try and turn the tides of battle. A good portion of the book feels mostly like a side quest, with it being left over from book one and being used to escape another quest chain it basically is. After completing said side quest in one form or another the main quest catches up with them to get the main story progressing again then just ends abruptly, though I don’t think it was as unsatisfactory as everyone seems to be complaining about as it was predictable that it would end that way. The world building advances a little bit but it feels like there were some changes to it between the first and second books making it feel a little too flex able. Overall it’s a great continuation to the story and once again if you want a very fast paced Adventure LitRPG I recommend it.