I can’t believe this guy only did a minor 15second google search of the KSG to constantly make the KSG as the DP12 Or the Utas. It seems far too many times he just says this one is that one and that one is this one. He says early on that “pull the trigger twice and then pump.” He seems to like the KSG as the main weapon of choice for Dick but he doesn’t sound like he knows the actual weapon. … “pull the trigger twice then pump…”. Seriously?? Thats like being a dumb politician calling an AR15 a scary 30cal bolt-action fully semi-automatic ghost laser with detachable diesel chainsaw attachment gun.
Other than that. The story is a good enough story line and in general.
Has a few too many concept flaws. But if he writes them in a weekend that might explain the weak weaponology and the modern warfare video game references to certain things and tactics. Or attempts to draw in unknowing readers.
I also don’t get why he makes every bad guy wearing a “MAGA” hat. Did the author cry on election night?….