Very rarely do books about (trying to come up with a good adjective here)… people like Jon Reznick can tear at your heartstrings – especially from the opening chapters. Within about 2-3 chapters Hard Hit (extremely well named) did that to me and I was already hooked. I’ve read other books in this series but this one just felt different.

There was a lot more at stake, personally, for Reznick and it made this book (series and characters) just that little bit deeper. I was able to forge that gap between a character and a character that I definitively wanted things to work out for. Reznick has done things for the government before – but this time it was personal (and not the super cheesy it’s not really personal but it is).

Hard Hit… hit on all cylinders for me. It got me emotionally but it also had great pacing and a great story behind it. The bad guy, once we figured out who they were, was easy to hate. And it just snowballed from there. Reznick uncovers more and more about this person – but cannot do anything about it.

The last third or so (trying really hard not to spoil it) where the new connection was made was extra special for me. It just added in a new layer and I’m a little curious if Turner is going to use that again in upcoming Reznick books.

Overall, a thrill-ride from beginning to end. One that’ll have you unsure of what will happen, but also rooting for the good guy to win in the end.