At the start of this book I stated that if Alan did not accomplish his goal by the end of this book that I would not continue the series, I’m 48 mins from the end and needles to say, it’s not going to happen. I’m seriously fed up, my complaints started books ago but I was trying to give Mr.Rudolph a chance to redeem himself and it’s just not happened. Aside from the needless filler, the series isn’t going anywhere, it’s crazy how little the group as a whole has accomplished and there is no set goals, no finish line, it’s just filler and it’s gotten old. Here’s what really done it for me though, I’ve seriously gotten whip-lash keeping up with all the personalities that each person seems to have, each person’s given personalities have changed so many times that I can’t keep up with it, either per book, per conversation or per situation, there is no consistency and I can’t keep up. Everything is so far-fetched and out there, it doesn’t make sense and personally I’ve given it way more of a chance than I normally would for anyone else. I really had high hopes and I feel so deflated at this point, but yeah I’m done with the series. I’m not the best at writing reviews, but regardless I think you comprehend the points I’m trying to get across. Happy Reading everyone!!!