Overall: 4.5 Stars

I’m finding it so difficult to rate this book. On one hand, I loved Dylan and for the most part, it was really fun to read the book in his POV. Of course, when we got to the angsty parts, that kind of backfired, because I ended sobbing my heart out and wanting to cuddle Dylan and make it better and kill Gabe at the same time. On the other hand, while at one point I thought I was starting to like Gabe, he did something that made me want to throat-punch him and by the time he pulled his head out of his shapely behind, it was too late for me to really warm up to him. That doesn’t mean that I didn’t think Gabe and Dylan had chemistry or weren’t hot together, because they had and they were, it just means that the fact that Gabe was a complete and utter wanker kind of put a bit of a dent in my enjoyment of this book.

I loved Dylan’s roommate, Jude, and Gabe’s best friend, Henry, so I’m looking forward to reading or listening to their stories. I hated Fletcher, Gabe’s boyfriend at the start of the book and with how awful he was, I truly would’ve liked it if we’d gotten more than just a passing mention that Gabe had ended things with him after how evil Fletcher was to Dylan.

Overall, the book was fun, entertaining, steamy, with some angst thrown in to make me cry, LOL, and with a nice epilogue.

The narration was great, but really, what do you expect when the narrator is Joel Leslie? He captured Dylan’s snarky sense of humor perfectly and did a fantastic job bringing the book and the characters to life for me. Definitely an audiobook you shouldn’t miss out on!