I just want to say that it’s not my intentionon to bash this series, I’m trying to give this series a chance, though 3 stars for this book seems pretty generous…

I’m a fan of just about anything post apocalyptic no matter how quirky it is. but, I feel like this book in the series was just pushed along to much, The writing wasn’t detailed or interactive, The story line was dry, and the characters felt like cardboard cutouts, I wasn’t able to relate to my favorite characters like the first book,

The fight scenes were way to basic and a bit under narrated, I just didn’t get the feeling the writer or the narrator put that much effort into this one, It sounds like a first draft that needed to be polished before publishing it… also the humor was missing from this book, I had more eye rolls then chuckles. I finished book 2 feeling a pretty unimpressed and unsatisfied.

I hope book 3 in this series has more to offer then the performance and storyline this book offered.