First off Jeff Hays is a great narrator! However this book was an epic failure that came no where close to book 1. The quest given during book 1 is finally tackled…. however it takes 10 hours of your time with almost mind numbing writing. Eric Nyland has a statement in the beginning stating this book is PG13… should have stated don’t buy this instead. Eric Nyland repeats himself and beats the ideas of the first book with a crud crusted stick into a dead horse or in this case a dead drunken monkey.. Some progression … but not enough to keep you satisfied for 11 hours. It’s frustrating to have a character do stupid things over and over again and for what…. nothing, he doesn’t learn from mistakes fast enough. This story was dull and seemed as if author had only 1 idea and to make it a book he needed a word count so it just trudged along as if starting to write a thesis for college 1 night before it was due. Do not waste your credit or money.