The first 40 seconds made me think I had fallen in love with a new book. I love dark humor, smart-ass responses, and clever insults.

but then the book took a turn down a universe built by what I can only imagine was the product of a few drunk college kids collectively coming up with the story.

I don’t have a problem with the silly story or plot. The live action video game situation I was totally fine with. The gamer references were fun. But it was everything else that was “dumb” got me.

This humor is along the lines of dumb and dumber. Stupid nicknames and penis jokes. Are they clever? No but it is a penis joke. Is there any logic or believably to the concept of space force? No, but it is a dumb expression of a dumb political speech. I think the goal was to south park style parody the Trump’s concept of space force.

I love south park. This was not that level of witty humor but dumb and dumber style slap in your face.

I can imagine many of my friends who would love this book. My middle school kids would love this book. I see why everyone else found it fun.

The narrators were good. The production was great.