It is still unknown whether the main character is an idiot because he has yet to put a single point in his Intellect stat, which remains at 0. He certainly doesn’t behave like he’s learned even a single thing over the course of these two books so far.

As with the first book, despite him proclaiming himself to be a pro gamer, you’ll find him constantly making possibly the worst decisions in any given situation. His decisions certainly don’t line up with a “game” in which there are no respawns. Listen for yourself and find yourself agonizingly frustrated when our main character… stands in a dangerous situation doing literally nothing. Or wanders off by himself when he promised he’d be a lookout. I just don’t understand why the author bothered writing him as being intelligent when he’s just not.

And this is a bit of a spoiler. I’ll keep it mostly vague though. But the book begins with the main character assisting Morgana on a quest that is certainly along the main storyline, involving several key characters. Instead of accepting this quest, the main character ignores it in favor of going on a literal side quest. Not only does he put his party in mortal peril, he doesn’t actually gain the promised rewards of the quest, and DOESN’T EVEN LEVEL. It was absurd, and I didn’t believe the audiobook was over when it was. If the first book left me unsure, this book confirms it for me. Won’t be getting the next in the series.