My only problems is with the character decsion making. He was the guild master of the number 1 ranked clan, he was their strategist for their raids and handle all guild matters. He can come up with spells using some effort, but mostly uses melee and some shitty spells that fail most of the time. He reasons this by saying he won’t use them later, ok, I get he won’t get the “prime badges for them but holy crap a freezing spell or a fire spell would have gotten him further than his shitty arrow spell. For a die hard mage character he sure does love melee, also why doesn’t he use that telekinesis move he got in the first couple chapters. O no these melee fighters are throwing rocks at me better charge in use this knife i got instead of my magic.Also why is he so dumb when talking to lawyers, for having the number 1 guild he sure does suck at making deals.