I’ve listened to many books of similar topics and always complete them. This one was not the case. Like the author, I’m also close to my daughter and have taught her many things. However, I didn’t choose to compliment her with sporadic curse words as detailed in this story. As the language increased and got to the point of numerous F bombs, I quit. I’m not a prude and have worked in a world where this type of language was not uncommon. I just choose to not listen to it or support authors who use it. I think I’m spoiled from other authors who simply avoid it.
I also thought the book was a little slow in getting started and the use of changing from a current timeline to a point of the main character’s past recollections was a little awkward, at least when listening to the audiobook.
The author seems to be capable of a good story and hopefully future books will be less inclined to use such language.