This review is for Marvels, Mochas, and Murder (hereafter abbreviated MMM), the first book in the Comics and Coffee Case Files by Christine Zane Thomas, & William Tyler Davis and narrated by Jeffrey Kafer.

Best friends Ryan and Kirby’s business partnership comes to an abrupt end with Ryan’s unexpected murder. Initially the prime suspect, Kirby clears himself of charges and inserts himself into the investigation. From here MMM clearly draws inspiration from ABC’s Castle and it doesn’t even try to hide it. The relationship between Kirby and Felicia, a tough and competent local cop, is reminiscent of the relationship between Castle and Beckett minus the steamy tension. Together, they solve the case.

The best way for me to describe MMM would be to say that it feels like an episode of Castle written for the Hallmark Channel and set in hybrid Comic/Coffee shop. It’s light on mystery and suspense, very PG, light-hearted (despite the elements of murder), and just geeky enough to read (or listen to) on the way to Comic-Con.

There’s Dachshund named Gambit that serves as a bone thrown to comic book nerds and dog lovers alike. He’s not crucial to the plot, but people who really, really, really love dogs and fans of a certain cajun X-man should get a kick out of the eponymous canine.

Jeffrey Kafer nails it in the narration. At first, all I could hear was Merciless from C. T. Phipps Supervillainy series, but he quickly became Kirby and the rest of the cast of characters in such a way that I forgot about his previous role(s) and was able to enjoy his performance of MMM.

MMM is a short read/listen, clocking in at not quite three and a half hours long, and can be easily digested in a single reading. It’s enjoyable enough that you just may choose to do so.

***Full Disclosure: I was voluntarily provided this free review copy audiobook by the author, narrator, or publisher.