I didn’t realize when I downloaded this that I had previously read it but that didn’t take away from my enjoyment of this narration. Joel Leslie does an awesome job narrating this cluster of a relationship between Gabe and Dylan. Gabe is an extremely difficult MC to like. There are many times throughout the book that I wanted to throttle him within an inch of his life. That being said, Dylan is the perfect person to bring him down a few notches and snark at him like he deserves. I think that these two are perfect for each other and the ending of the book definitely makes the rest of it easier to swallow. In the end we get some insight to Gabe’s mind since the epilogue is told from both of their viewpoints, it’s everything up until then that will at times infuriate you. I was worried Dylan would end up being a doormat but he wasn’t, he was always quick to stand up for himself and tell Gabe what he thought of him. The story was well written and very well narrated so in the end it was worth the read.