I have really enjoyed all of these stories that take place in and around With a Kick, a charming ice cream shop in London run by Patrick and Lee (more on them in a bit)

The first story, Pluck and Play, is about Curtis and Riley, and you gotta love a cowboy. Curtis runs his own delivery service, making deliveries and also sourcing and finding things that his various accounts need. Riley is a true cowboy, although he’s in England to settle his mother’s estate. I really enjoyed these two together. I also really loved how their friends – all the patrons of With a Kick, came in to help out when they needed it. Curtis has more friends than he ever realized, and I loved that.

Double Scoop is – Finally! – Lee and Patrick’s story. Patrick owns With a Kick, although Lee has been with him since day one and is the true heart of the shop. Their world is shaken when some fault equipment causes a major accident, injuring Lee and putting the future of With a Kick in danger. These two have been dancing around each other since the first book, both wanting more than just a business arrangement but doubts and fears keeping them from speaking up. It takes some help from all of their friends to realize that they need to speak up and not risk losing the great things that they have together.

Joel Leslie, as always, brings his A game to narrate this story. His accents are just divine, and we get British, western American, Turkish, eastern European, men, women, you name it – and you can tell who everyone is. Excellent job!

I have loved these boys from With a Kick – and there’s a new story that features Karel that I’m gonna have to get, too! These stand well on their own, but I think you’d get more enjoyment having read the other stories in the series since these guys all hang out with each other. I admittedly didn’t read Sue Brown’s entries to this series, but have read all of the ones written by Clare London.

I received an audiobook in exchange for an honest review.