Book two was a lot better than book one, in some ways. In others, not so much.

Kevin Pierce needs to work on his Irish accent a bit. He sounds like he’s trying, but not quite hitting the mark.

I enjoyed the introduction of the new characters. Doc and his daughter, Shanon, added a great deal to the story.

FH did a great job in building the character, Barb, Connor’s daughter. He painted her in an unmistakable bad-ass. But, as a hateful, conniving, smart ass little bitch, as well. But, she’s a tough one, no doubt. I really like her character. He, also, did a fantastic job in creating the villain in this book. He is the type of guy you’d like to tie up and beat to death with a claw hammer. He’s a brutal cracker jack.

The biggest negative of the book is that it was a little too predictable..

Overall, a great story line and I look forward to book 3.