I have absolutely LOVED this series. I happened to have heard a reference to this series through another prepper fiction series I had listened to before this one, & decided to give it a chance… I’ve only been into this genre for a couple of years, but since then, I have NOT switched back to any other types of genre at all. I’ve got to say this one is right up there in my top 5. Seriously. The author is so good at bringing his words to life, and I quite literally feel like I’m sucked down into the world I’m imagining as I read, & completely zone out to the rest of the world. I started listening to audiobooks when I started my career as a Medical Coder a few years ago, after realizing that music wasn’t quite cutting it for me… I have had ADHD pretty bad my whole life, & while I can control it, my mind still wanders… but when I am listening to a good survival/prepper book with my headphones on, I’m able to completely tune everything else out to where my only focus is work and whatever disaster, TEOTWAWKI, SHTF world that I’m in at the time. lol

But this is a GREAT series! I’ve really only listened to the EMP-type of books, other than one or two other times, so i wasn’t sure about the plague thing,,, as i’ve never really pictured anything else happening, but this is actually far more realistic than many other situations I believe, and I’m glad that this author opened my eyes & mind to other disasters that COULD happen. Its a little TOO real, but that’s what makes it even better. I like this, and I hope to read more awesome books by this author! I just wish we could be offered more “box sets” by Audible – we spend a lot of money w/ them, but my complaint probably lies more on Amazon/Audible than it does the author! I would still be buying these up left & right though 🙂 Keep it up! You have a new fan!!!! (EVEN IF you made me CRY)