This book wasn’t for you, but who do you think might enjoy it more?
The book’s story was decent, but had many flaws. The narration made it seem far worse than it was. I’m not sure I could recommend it to anyone.
If you’ve listened to books by Vaughn Heppner before, how does this one compare?
This was my first Vaughn Heppner book. It came very close to being my last.
Would you be willing to try another one of David Stifel’s performances?
Not really. It was bad. He made the characters seem brain dead. At first I thought it was the writing, but then I heard an excerpt from book #2 book of the series and I realized it was the narrator that was dragging the material down. Way down.
What character would you cut from The Lost Starship?
Meta. She was superfluous, and the the Captain’s attachment to her led to some of the worst writing in the whole book. Once again, a lot of this was probably the narrator, but she seemed like a barely tamed ape rather than the tough, but beautiful crush the writer seemed to be going for.
Any additional comments?
You know how in the old Batman, everything was a “bat” this or that? Like a baterang, batmobile, batlight, batwrench, etc?. Everything in this was “space”. Every time I heard “space” attached to something, it made me think I was listening to 50s scifi, but without all the old time charm and clever examination of science.

I could go on and on, but the best way to put it is pick the most mediocre episode of your favorite scifi TV show and swap all the actors out with the bad actors who miserably failed their auditions for that show.