Sadly, this narrator did the latter. If I have to listen to David Stifel ever do another scottish accent, it will be too soon. Seriously, it’s beyond terrible. How this was accepted and produced just boggles the mind. The main voices are okay, but not well done. The main character’s voice changes at random.

The Story:

Well, it’s enough that I’d listen to book 2, but like others have said before, it bogs down for no reason. The romance sections seem cringey at best, captain kirk level sexual assault-ish at worst. “I’m gonna force myself on my traumatized crew member. Ooo she didn’t like it, must be part of the game”.. Nah dude, you’re being a bit rapey.. cut that out. This story needs more Picard, less Kirk.

I’m listening to this book because I’ve read/listened to almost every other books in the genre there is.. so obviously my standards are adapting to meet my needs. This story could have been much better. An good editor could have fixed the pacing issues and the story could lose 4 hours without being damaged. Sometimes a book can be short and still a really good read, with enough detail to see you to another book. Not everything needs to be 20+ hours. (I’m looking at you Sanderson, Needs more The Well of Ascension and less The Way of Kings)

I’m going to give book 2 a try since the narrator sample sounds so much better. I’m hoping better narration + more writing experience will lead to a good series. Everyone can stumble.. Remember Cibola Burns before they re-did that with Jefferson Mays? It was a hate listen all the way with Erik Davies.. This story/narration is like that.