I really found the book difficult from an enjoyably point of view, mainly through it being difficult to relate to the main character.

Being a burgeoning fan of the LitRPG genre, I was attracted by the positive reviews, yet after reading my faith in humanity is shaken a little.

The setup and world has some interesting enough ideas, and even the point of view of a potential villain is an intriguing idea.
But that main protagonist, ugh.

it’s so inconsistent , I get the feeling I’m supposed to sympathise with him, and there is some of that in there with what he endures,
and yet I’m also supposed to just accept his reprehensibility as being excused or just waved away.

It’s like reading the manifesto of incel wish fulfilment, and that’s coming from someone who vehemently objects to progressivist narratives,
it just kept jarring me from the more interesting aspects of the story I guess.

I like a lot of the setup, including the world building.
The antagonist is simple yet effective, if not a bit cartoonishly evil in an attempt to contrast with the main character.
Even some of the side characters are entertaining enough.

If you like some relatability with a heroic , or even decently human main character, you might have issues with the book.
I can’t even say it’s dumb fun like Kongs “The Land” series.

Not awful, just difficult to enjoy.