I thought this was a great continuation of book 1 BUT I absolutely felt like the end of this book was a slap in the face and a jab in the gut… If you enjoyed the first book I think you’ll enjoy this book and (so far) book 3. My issue here is that the book just ends in a horrible cliffhanger… It’s not even a cliffhanger you can sit on for a bit and come back to later. You’ll want to either have book 3 ready (not 2.5) or be able to immediately purchase and keep reading.

My only complaint here is that the whole Alex story line is pretty hard to listen to. I feel like there are some (very brief) points when you sort of feel like you can identify with the character or his perspective but then it’s just overwhelmed with pure dislike. I feel like this has completely messed with the good vs evil (where we are supposed to be following the ‘evil’ character) aspect of the story. At this point, you have the ‘evil’ character doing mostly good things and the ‘good’ character doing mostly evil things… Overall though I’m still enjoying the story and will continue to listen!

Narration by David Stifel continues to meet or exceed all my expectations here. I have no complaints and would have no problem picking up any other works by this narrator!

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