I’ve gone through all three main books now, the first two were great and the story for the whole is pretty good. The narrator mispronouncing specific words, grimoire being the biggest one, was pretty annoying (there is a R in the word!). His voices aren’t great but he is trying.

The MC is doing everything in his power to protect what little he has and the primary antagonist is still getting everything handed to him on a silver platter. I THOUGHT there was going to be a come to his right mind spot…but noooo we continue to get Alex/Alexion as this SUPER crappy person and now he’s an advanced super crappy person and a good bit crazy to boot. The tech chick is a HUGE Uncle Tom and I hope she gets what she deserves 10 times over, as well as getting railed by her contract >_> The supporting characters are really good too. I feel that if this had been a hard copy book I’d have enjoyed it much more than I did. I suggest anyone listening skip over Alex sections 30 seconds at a time…he’s garbage and a generally horrid human that, because of story reasons, will never change his ways. If we’re being honest he’s worse than Anakin in ep 2/3.

If you pick this book up you’ll most likely enjoy it 🙂 I did, but the small things that bothered me were just super heavy which is why it gets an overall rating of 3. The Narrator mispronouncing words and his lack of voice difference gets him a 2 and the story as a whole was really good and without all the time on Alex would have gotten a 5 so I downgraded that to a 4.