This series has been very enjoyable to read. Engaging…with a cast of solid characters. The protagonists have unique angles at which they are applied to the storyline made all the more unique by the “side quests” that have centered on two of them (i anticipate additional side quest books about each major character). These additional stories give a depth to the characters that is unattainable in the primary storyline as adding that depth would bog down the tempo & focus of the multiple plots & subplots running in the central story. The primary antagonist is a bit “standard bad guy” but does have some unique “issues/quirks” that make his character fitting as the central antagonist for the solid cast of protagonists. Lastly, i very much enjoy the deeper philosophical currents that the author weaves through the entire series. That element definitely sets the series apart from many of the rest.
~ I look forward to the release of the next book!