I was excited about this book and series. I generally like science fiction on screen, but I had never read (listened to) a science fiction book before. I’ve read plenty of fantasies and figured this would be interesting too. I was very disappointed. The story never got to me and I think it was mainly because I didn’t like any of the characters, especially the main character, which I felt was cocky and annoying. They were too superficial and it was kind of like a tv script in that sense. It was hard to picture the environment for the same reason. Things happened too fast (i.e. only touching the surface), yet there wasn’t much happening, the reason behind the quest didn’t make sense, and there was never any feeling of suspense for me. I simply didn’t care enough. After forcing myself to listen to 1/3 of the book I gave up and decided to return it. I didn’t like the narrator much either. I guess I know know why they were selling 8 books for 1 credit.