do you like bad fanfiction? do you like stories in which plots are completely stopped and derail for pop culture references that go on far too long and over? or about stopping the plot yet again so you can virtue signal your own personal political beliefs? do you also like books that snipe at fans that a complaint about these things in the past as well blame them for everything that’s wrong with your book? then this is the book for you!

in all seriousness however this was not a fun read. I would start to space out during the long, long, long bits that was nothing but pop culture reference jokes that went on to over-explain themselves and overstay their welcome. Then miss something because I tuned out some important that was slipped in there. The political stuff that’s in this book I don’t necessarily disagree with them however you completely stop your plot so you can say hey I’m a good person because I have these political views does not in dear me to the book, or characters. if you like good stories and characters that aren’t just a that annoying nerdy guy that can’t hold any conversation with out trying to be wacky then stay far way from this.

it’s really a shame I loved the first three books, but something has happened to the writer when it comes to this book and these characters and it just insufferable to sit through. I’m not going to be looking into this book series any more… if you enjoyed the book I take my hat off to you for finding something enjoyable in it. I sure as hell couldn’t.