This is my first book by this author and narrator. I’m not a country music fan at all but as I got into the story it really didn’t matter. I didn’t get the references but I didn’t care. This story starts off right into a memory and your not sure at first what’s going on. But by the 2nd chapter you are fully engrossed in these children’s lives. and then adolescents and then adulthood. I’m not a teaser writer and I don’t like spoilers but make sure your not in public after 2/3 through. Trust me. I listened to this while working and I had to go into the bathroom and have a good old cry!! It’s been a good 5 yrs since a book made me cry let alone ball. Just thinking about it for hours and hours after I still could just start to cry. Don’t let that stop you from experiencing this book. I couldn’t recommend it more. Sometimes a good cry is cathartic and this book is the medicine to help bring on the release.