okay so when I saw the title it was a must I’m a fan of the Nemesis Saga and I like the chess team books I don’t think I’ve done any of the second World stuff but so far it’s safe enough to say that I’m a wee bit of a fan but oh my God up until now every single one of his other books has had things that I wasn’t a hundred percent happy with you know knit picks that always kept me from giving a 5-star rating to the sky none of that is here this book is incredibly self-aware about all the stuff that pissed me off and bothered me in his previous work not only does it call it out and make fun of it he gives us not one but two amazing leads with a fantastic background cast and a hot robot girlfriend I sincerely hope that there is a sequel to this and we can look forward to many more space force books because this was one of my favorite books not just from this author but in general