A comet that was supposed to fly by suddenly changes course and is expected to impact with Earth. People get prepared to die and anarchy takes over. But the world does not end upon impact, in fact, only a small area is affected by what seems to be a cloud of corrosive dust. People in contact with it for too long end up dying, and those in contact for a short time develop strange symptoms.

This was a gripping and fast-paced thriller. The story is narrated from several points of view, events happening in parallel, switching from one to the next in a way that is typical of this genre. Most of the characters are not very developed but do not need to be, since this multiple POV is just to illustrate the size of the conflict. There are several twists to the plot, and it was easy to connect to the main characters. The story kept me on the edge of my seat and entertained from beginning to end.

This is one of those post-apocalyptic stories where events seem to bring the worst in many people. There are several acts of crude violence and against all morals that are not for squeamish people.

Andrew B. Wehrlen did a magnificent jog narrating this audibook, bringing the characters to life and transmitting all the raw emotions in a powerful way. It took me some time at first to get used to his cadence, but that didn’t deter me from highly enjoying this audiobook.

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.