K.A., too whiny and drawn out. I trudged thru this because I was determined to get something out of it, and I got about 20% amount of pleasure and the rest was almost painful to get thru. If you do another in this series, which I will listen to, with great caution after this one, quit making the characters so whiny.

Joel, almost. The voice you used for Elliot was grading, whiny and desparate all the time. The other characters were very decent, but again, quit the whiny breathy desperate punyness.

Listener, I can’t recommend this book for anything other than the continuation of the story, and even at that, I am still undecided if I’m going to return the book. I did get thru it. There are some strong elements to perpetuate the story started in the first book, so you may have to get thru this in order to get thru the next one..if there is one. Good luck. Remember, you can always return it.