I’ve seen this book pop up in the “Suggested Reads” for a while now. I wanted to listen to it, but was always thrown off by the women in the cover and the reviews warning about the explicit nature of the book. I steered clear until I finally broke down and bought it. Totally glad I did.

First of all, this book isn’t smut, like I originally thought (sorry Mr. Cooper). This book does have some sexual themes and implied innuendos, but does not focus on those parts. Rather, the author uses those parts to progress the story. Now, at this point in the review, I know what you’re thinking, “You’re just another sexually-desensitized male that is humoring his inner-pubescent teenage-self.” You would be wrong. This book does not focus on the “harem” aspect but more about the story and world-building. A refreshing reprieve, if I do say so myself.

Now, about what was arguably the most intriguing aspect of this book: The Sound Booth Production team. If you’re like me, you sometimes slightly cringe when the one sex reads a character of the opposite sex in a way that just takes you out of the story. I was delighted to listen to this and hear a female character’s voice read by a FEMALE CHARACTER. Ground-breaking and mind-blowing. I am completely and utterly spoiled now. Not to mention this cast does a fantastic job.

All around, the actors kept me listening and the story kept me deep in the plot. Highly recommend.