This story is set in the Five Roads to Texas Universe. In this world, a ZomPoc Virus has been released and is wiping out the world. Sarah Washburn, her Father in law, and Leonard escaped from Beaumont Medical Center and have traveled back to the Isolated Colorado high country on the Ute Reservation. While escaping from Beaumont Medical Center, Leonard grabbed a package. This package contained all of Dr. Sanjay’s work on the virus responsible for the zombie apocalypse. Now Sarah’s crew is being perused by Iranian mercenaries.

The story holds the listener’s attention with action and plenty of danger for the main characters. In this universe, the stories are darker and the good guys do not always win. This makes for some really great listening. This is really a fun universe to explore as a listener. This time around the greater danger for the main characters is other humans. The zombies are still a danger but they don’t wield weapons. This story really opens up the whole world of this universe with its story arc.

The narration is provided by Andrew B. Wehrlen. Mr. Wehrlen brings a strong skilled vocal quality to each audio production. His narration of Sarah and the people with her in this story really gets the listener invested in this new addition to the Five Roads World. The production quality of this audiobook is also the highest quality. I heard no problems during the entire performance. There were not any detectable flaws that I was able to hear during the entire performance such as loops, breaks, or buzzing. The production was crisp and clear. AJ Powers delivered an excellent audiobook production. I highly recommend this audiobook and series. I was given this free review copy audiobook at my request and have voluntarily left this review.