I really enjoyed this book and was fascinated by the history and culture surrounding programming. The book is a great balance of inspiring and humbling. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who is interested in some behind the scenes and not regularly pondered areas of coding.
That being said though I did have some issues with the book. I felt like the author repeated himself a lot, as well as relentlessly try and hammer home his own personal viewpoints on countless matters. Most of which were based on politics and equality (not a bad discussion to have I agree). I found this to be the most exausting part of the book (I am not exaggerating, this took up 33% of the total volume). I can understand his feelings and activist points of view. But bombarding your listeners with political thought experiments and diving so deeply into race and sex in a book about coding seemed out of place and frankly verging on false advertising. It struck me as either filler material or a moral obligation, I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt that it was the latter.
Overall I found the book refreshing and enlightening and reccomend it to anyone.