Barry’s writing and humor is witty and hilarious. I’ve enjoyed the outtakes in the last 3 books I believe where Phil just cracks up as he seems to be reading the story for the first time. That alone tells me that he loves the characters just as we do and always puts 110% in his work. On a side note I had assumed that Phil did the characters separately but nope, he does them all on the fly.

On a separate note I’ve seen authors become lazy with their characters and their follow up books tend to flop but Barry hits each book in this series out of the ballpark.

Highlights were: the regeneration of Cal’s limbs, all five of them. Finding out where Mustard comes from and how Mustard Custard is something that should never be made…ever. The Kermit joke. The “manly” villain. The “sarlac-like” creature and why I realize that Boba Fett would never have made it out. But most especially Loren’s best friend from the academy, Garunk. All I can say is that he/she/it was very “cheeky”,

I hope Garunk returns back again. lol