The first two books had potential. The last two were a bit disappointing. It felt like the author tried too hard to make the mc relatable and caring while doing questionable and hideous things at the same time. I get that the mc throughout the series shows growth and adaptability to his situation, but it feels unnatural? Forced? There were a lot of interesting plot points that could have been explored more that were glossed over. Don’t get me started on how meta some characters and their relationships tried to be *ahem Jade *ahem. Usually with these rpg/animeish themed books you would have very cringe worthy things clustered in, but while not completely eliminated, the cringe factor was tolerable. While I seem dissatisfied with this book there’s a reason I’ve kept reading till now. Well there’s more than one. The world building and magic/power system were engaging and Interesting, and the mystery of the “gods” and the purpose of the game was great.

Jeff Hays and Annie Ellicott’s performance was great as usual. Not much to dissect there.

Book 4 rating: 2/5

Overall series rating: 3.5/5