I loved this book, and I’m not even sure why. It was just different and engaging. This was my first by this author and this narrator, and I enjoyed both the writing and the narration. It had so many elements that would normally make me throw my hands in the air and give up. Davina made you down right want to smack her at times. Yet, she didn’t feel contrived. And, the way her friend and Logan called her out on her bs made it more realistic instead of her doing things that were, okay stupid, and the reader was just supposed to pretend it wasn’t. Her issues felt real and like issues instead of contrived story antics. You could actually empathize with her and want to smack her. Which, made me not want to put it down to see how it would all pan out. And, the delivery was definitely important in a book like this. And, Sara Puckett’s portrayal of each character was spot on. Davina seemed very torn, conflicted, and honestly clueless at times. And, the justified frustration from Logan and her friend felt so real and realistic. It wasn’t over done or under done in writing or narration. This was a really fun one I’m so glad I pulled the trigger on.