Okay first off, I almost ignored the womanizing in this book because it is a lot less extreme than other books. But its still there so -1 star.

And I took a second star off for the following issues. The main protagonist’s power suite is not only versatile… Its automated. This one fact might have been enough for me to knock a star off on its own. The main character did not have to solve his delimmas he simply activated his powers and waited for the ‘system’ to figure out how to make them useful. But it wasnt the only problem. In reverse order of significance, Armored medium levelled enemies were going down after just a few shots as if they didnt have a hitpoint pool, for a book that makes so many comparisons to the abrahamic religions, the writing often seems rather ignorant of said religion and most significantly. I got so damn frustrated trying to figure out what was internal monologue and what wasnt. Some voice modulation would have been a big help, heck, I would have accepted even a continous “he said, he thought”. So all these issues though probably none alone would knock a star, together drop it to 3 stars.