
I found this book so endearing, in a hard to wrap my head around it kind of way.

This was one I jumped between listening to and reading. When I first finished it I had given it a 4* rating, but now that I’m getting back to it, I’ve decided to round it up to 5* instead of down to 4* like I did originally, because the more I think about it, the more I love it. Yes, it’s quite odd, having an android as a love interest, but it was a truly engaging story.

Lloyd is such a compelling character. I haven’t wanted to jump into my Kindle, or my phone, in awhile to hug someone, but I did with him. And like it says in the blurb, Shaun really is special. And together these two were pluperfect.

I adored the audio of this story. I know I’ve probably said it before, but I’m just amazed how wonderfully Joel Leslie brings ALL THE EMOTIONS to his narrations. He is so perfect with the more vulnerable characters, I really love listening to him.