I pretty much binged all 85 hours of this and then bought the second collection and went through those. I laughed out loud so many times and the characters were so likable and are either good people doing questionable things or questionable people doing good things with a Megaladog who will tell you he is not a dog. There are alcoholic sentient four armed chimpanzee based kung fu movie loving mechanics and an ex-fighter-ace-turned-cargo-ship-captain who’s not allowed by his Ex-Marine-stim-addicted-ex-wife to drive the ship. There’s also a wizard from Boston who would kick Gandalf’s ass from one side of anywhere to the other side of nowhere. The performance by Mr Naramore is as good as it gets. I would totally keep forgetting that I was listening to one person’s voice and just enjoy the characters dialog back and forth with no need for clarification on who was speaking due to the unique voice of every character. He especially did woman’s voices well.

Best value on Audible!