there is good parts to this book dont get me wrong and starts strong. ish. Towards the end though you cant help but question motives and shake your head in confusion. It sneaks up on you, slowly but steadily. Then the end is near and your asking yourself “did I miss something? why is he doing this again/what does he hope to accomplish?”
I read some people saying that the mc was to over powered and everthing always works and his skills are to over the top but That’s not true in any way. I’ve read books like that and this isnt it. he is a good gamer. that’s it.
I dont want to give spoilers so I’ll try not to give to much away but seriously, wtf. WHY! He got his revenge, but nope, not done. Now if it was in reverse order it would be a lot more believable. still extreme but I get it. he taught no one a lesson.
The Narrator was good. I dont like his monster voice but it’s not in there a lot so not a big deal. his narrative is on point and has a good cadence.
overall I didnt hate it but I didnt love it ether.