I truly have enjoyed everything so far I’ve listened to by these excellent voice talents as well as the writing by this fine author. I still like Hell’s Rejects series the best, but that is a non sex version more action version from these books. The only reason I choose to give four stars as a total score is because honestly I find it unpleasant to hear a female voice use such vulgarity. I’m no prude by any stretch, but I’ve always felt this in real life, and I feel the same listening to these talented voice actresses say the word f*** or mother f****** and other such terms. It isn’t hurting the story etc., it just bugs me a bit. Just like there a few words I never use myself because I have a difficult to explain strong dislike for those few words. Perhaps it’s because in my world I equate profanity with stupidity? I don’t know as I curse up a storm when needed. I just don’t use such words in basic conversations. It’s just me I know, but it’s why I chose to write and explain my rating. I have enjoyed the vocal talents of Jeff Hays which is how I found this author and all of his books doing a search on Jeff Hays on the Audible website. I think this ‘new breed’ of performers instead of just readers of any type of action oriented novel has been a terrific improvement. I started back in the beginning days if books on tape when they were on reel to reel tape and it was just someone boringly reading the words written. I think this old idea of what used to be radio dramas done by several voice artists and a sound effect person brought back into fashion with young people and up to date technology to handle FX and even add extra spice to some vocalizations is wonderful. Rare for me is the time when something revised from the past is done as well or even better, but this group of artists and a few others not in this troupe have taken the next step forward to make audiobooks as entertaining and sometimes MORE entertaining than anything on TV or in the movie theaters. I hope there will be a next book from where this book ended like the others have by this author. And now we know wheee the biggest cock in the Jamie Hawke galaxy is…he Trunk on PK! LOL. I honestly can’t imagine that guy as part of an orgy. LOL. Thanks for the fun story and well done performances!