First let me preface this with a disclaimer: Jeffrey Kafer personally gave me a credit to purchase this book so that I could write a review on it. While I did promise to do a review, I did not promise that it would be positive.

If you like the standard alien invasion military sci-fi and just can’t wait to try another… well, this book is not that. Its not realistic or even technically feasible… its not one of those books that will make you believe that the story, however implausible, could actually happen. It has none of that.

What it does have is a solid sci-fi story that will appeal greatly to gamers (non-gamers as well I am sure, but there may be a few things you do not understand fully… tho to be fair you would not know that your not fully grasping it, so you would never know! haha). There are very few books that make me literally laugh out loud – once to the point of almost passing out. This was one of those. It is fucking hilarious. And while not technically realistic, its a very solid story told by a masterful author and read by a master narrator. Jeffrey Kafer is known as one of the best, and he proved it yet again with this performance. It was spot on, and had me listening hours on end when I should have been sleeping. Not my favorite type of story by far, but I thoroughly enjoyed it which at the end of the day is all that really matters.

If you like this story and enjoyed the performance, join us for discussions in Jeffrey Kafers official facebook group: