Over all, I like this story. It’s a solid 3.5 stars rounded up to four. I didn’t love the story but I did like it. Essentially this reads like fan fiction with the space force. Potentially someone took the promise of their favorite video game and decided to make a story about it but with a little more than shoot em up. There was a underlying love story and a couple of character arcs and genuinely funny moments. I must say that the laughs came at unexpected moments. Some dark unexpected moments, but funny nonetheless. The premise lends towards the fantastical, but it’s generally done in an amusing (if not juvenile) fashion.

The narration with spot on. I enjoyed the styles of the male and female lead characters. I do think it could have been enhance with some crossover dialog instead of one person doing all of the dialog for their particular chapter. Otherwise I enjoyed the salad both male and female characters. There was a 3rd narration towards the end of the book from the vantage point of the bus driver but I don’t lean 1 way or the other concerning that narrator. I did received this book for free in exchange for an honest review.