I really enjoyed this story when I originally read it. Going back and listening did nothing but remind me just how much I like these characters!

Sara is strong and independent. She is picking herself back up after yet another rough time in her life, but she is determined to give her son the life she always wanted. I love her resilience! At times, she is a bit too independent, but I loved watching her learn to lean on those around her who love her.

Harrison is pretty close to perfect. He sees Sara for who she really is and is all in from the beginning. I love his persistence and determination. He works hard to prove to Sara that he is exactly what she needs with the help of an adorable little boy. I love that he values Sara and her son and refuses to let anyone change his mind no matter the cost.

This is a great series opener, because I am fully invested in ALL the characters. I can’t wait to listen to more of this series!

The narration for this book was great as well. I enjoyed listening and will definitely check out more from these narrators!