Likable main characters… check

Unique abilities that set them apart… check (why else write a story about them)

Some structure to the abilities… check

One girl for each guy… check

Throw in some obstacles and a bored god and you have a story.

Jeff Hays gives a great performance. I don’t believe I have ever failed to enjoy his narration and voices.

The story takes you through a typical LitRPG, but instead of overloading you with stats and endless options, the main characters are given special abilities and they use those abilities in unique ways. I find it a little difficult when it seems they are coming up with these ideas now when there was thousands of years that others could have experimented. Kind of like fantasy books where there is ancient knowledge that is lost and forgotten but 100x times better than what they have now. Kind of flies in the face of evolution, invention, and progress… but I digress.

The story was fun, characters likable, and world decent. If you just want a ‘action flick’ type of book, this will work. If you enjoy the LitRPG where they read out the stats a couple times a chapter and the guy needs a spreadsheet to min/max his character, then this may be a little to free form for you. Overall very enjoyable.