What a terrible injustice to ALL involved..
By this I mean the following .. the “individual”(I refuse to address him by name ..especially Dr)
who was at the center of these EVIL acts didn’t
get enough of a prison sentence, anyone who commits this grotesque act upon another should be kept away from others “indefinitely”
they are never “cured”!! Not to mention the “life sentence” he forced upon his victims should’ve automatically qualified him to the same..”life in prison”!! These women will always carry the shame , guilt , mistrust , and sick feelings the rest of their lives , why should he get such a petty meaningless sentence?!?!!!
I’m appalled at the so called “ADULTS” who took their anger out on the innocent children!! SHAME on ALL of those involved in those acts of cruelty, your no better than the perpetrator himself!! Why in God’s name would these “religious” people treat children the way they did?!!?? This whole story made me ill , angry and downright DISGUSTED, in the justice system, people who claim to be religious , and countless other acts.. too many to mention here!! This book is well written , it’s clear that Olsen did his homework re:the facts and lies. Kevin P was fantastic w/narration (as he always is) he brings the story to life !
I’m so sorry for the victims in this community.. I hope that they have been able to rebuild their lives .. someday the truth will prevail as it has a way of doing over time. God bless all involved ..he will be our final judge , jury and bestow on all of us our “final justice”!!