This is probably my 4th or 5th time listening to this book. First of all I love reading all of S E Smith’s series. She gets us by tantalizing us with a hint about what the next story will be at the end of each of her books. So I am re-listening to this book again because book 3 came out on Audible and I needed to remind myself of how crazy Riley, her sister and her grandmother was.

David Brenin— lets just say I love listening to him read her stories. There are a few of the books that are not read by him and it throws me off a little. But still, its SE Smith and I find that I end up loving the story anyway.

Most of the books are a bit formulaic but if you have listened to a lot of her series, you will here hints of all the other stories interconnecting at some point.

At any rate, I love her books and cant wait to read the new addition to this series.