ASH is #14 in the Hell Squad series and moves the saga along at a fast pace with lots of action, both in battle and in the bedroom. I love the relationship between Ash and Marin. As with other characters in this series, Ash is a tough guy who could be easily pigeon-holed as just a biker bad boy but is a character with hidden depths. Marin, our leading lady, is a bit more awkward than previous heroines. She is a genius who tends to get too caught up in her work and is a little out of her comfort zone when outside her tech group. But the as a couple, they work. I think that this is one of my favorites in the series to date and, as with all of Ms. Hackett’s series, it places a couple more pieces of the puzzle on the table.

Love this series and if you haven’t started, book 1 Marcus is free on Amazon. (What are you waiting for?)