I’m sorry, i just couldn’t do it with this book. I got about an hour in and i had to stop. Don’t get me wrong i love a lewd, self indulgent harem fantasy as much as the next guy but there’s a balance to hit between Sexy fun time and trashy porno. This is the latter unfortunately. the porno where there’s thinly veiled barely coherent plot like a Pizza delivery guy needing to get paid just for there to be gratuitous cringe sex. It’s the same thing i say about a lot of these japanese anime that have come out recently. if you want to have porn, that’s fine. but don’t try to pretend its something else. Don’t try to make some fantasy or sci fi adventure with an interesting premise you shred to jam sex scenes in the holes you made,

The point that really made me throw up my hands and say I’m done is how within the first 15 minutes the main character is already talking about his junk or hes groping himself or hes got a boner for literally no reason and is then thrust into a situation where theres a bunch of other people having sex for literally no reason just because. and then he meets a character who’s like, the most paint by numbers generic cardboard cutout of a victimization innocent virgin playing the tough girl act that has ever existed, who basically bill cosby-rapes the main character within the first hour and then somehow SHE becomes the victim in the situation, which leads to them having more awkward “Discovering the magic of the male anatomy” sex for the tough girl that is somehow also sheltered and has never even heard of an erection before. That’s literal. she actually does not know what erections are and was confused why the dick was hard.

I mean, dude. you gotta work up to the sex. if you’re gonna try to spin some dramatic superhero RPG mechanic story, at least give a little bit of actual set up and plot and then naturally flow into appealing harem situations. you cant just be like “Oh look people have weird powers and also here is my dick lets use that for stuff”

So overall. if you want a good STORY focused harem fantasy, go read “Super Sales for Super Heros”

if you want a harem fantasy that has a lot of gratuitous sex but at least paces it out and has a mostly interesting story that the sex is woven into try the Valen’s Legacy.

This book should be a hard pass. Sorry.