I Loved this book – “A CLOCKWORK MURDER: THE NIGHT A TWISTED FANTASY BECAME A DEMENTED REALITY “. Steve Jackson is now one of my favorite authors of true crime stories. His experience as a prosecuting attorney and his obvious passion for the victims of crime are obvious as I read/listened to the book. Kevin Peirce didn’t disappoint either. He’s a great narrator!!!–my favorite of them all. Steve Jackson has brilliantly told the true & horrific story in such a way that readers/listeners can vividly see a picture of important aspects of crime/violence and the awful fallout of such heinous acts. The clear depictions include:
1. Any individual crime leaves multiple victims in its wake – the dead and the living.
2. The living victims are made up of family, community, investigating officers, attorneys, and anyone affected by the loss of precious and innocent lives.
3. American Jurisprudence is not perfect, but it’s still the greatest fact finding, justice seeking, etc. system in the world. The warriors in uniform and on each side of the courtroom ensure that our citizens are protected from wrongful convictions, yet they ensure that criminals are not allowed to commit heinous crimes without being prosecuted and punished.
The two young men who perpetrated the attack and murder which robbed a loving family of their child and many others of her precious life and presence are clear examples of the existence of evil. Jackson did a massive job of sharing the details which ultimately emerged into a fantasy turned reality. I could imagine every victim I’ve served in my career as I read and listened to Jackson’s/Peirce brilliantly tell this story. I’d seriously love to say more about how much I love this book and how it rekindles my passion for investigating crime, finding criminals and bringing them to justice, and how I admire the warriors who try such cases. And I would love to say more about how Jackson and Peirce seem to have a majestic way of getting reader and listener into a front row seat to see into the pain of victims, the evil of criminals, the warrior spirits of attorneys, and the beautiful life which has ended so unnecessarily. But you HAVE TO READ/ LISTEN FOR YOURSELF! If you are not on the front line daily, you will want to be after your encounter with this book and the people whose lives are forever changed by the details in the story.